Behind the scenes with Megan Brackna-64.jpg

About John Armato


eadshot and Portrait Photographer

Originally from Los Angeles, California, I came out to Maryland to attend the Peabody conservatory of music. I completed a Bachelors in Music in classical guitar performance and a Masters in early music lute performance. I’ve had the good fortune of being able to tour with my colleagues playing concerts and making recordings throughout the United States and Asia. I feel fortunate that I am able to continue working with some of the most talented musicians in the country. I still perform and tour often throughout the United States.

While at school, I was never without a camera. Finally, a friend said “John, I need a headshot”, I immediately answered, “Sure, let’s do it.” I started shooting headshots for my school-mates and colleagues and soon I turned a hobby and side hustle into a business. I’ve coached with some of the best headshot and portrait photographers from around the world and I am part of a huge worldwide community of headshot photographers called the “Headshot Crew”. This crew has allowed me to hone my skills in shooting, lighting, and posing with some of the best photographers in the world.

When I’m not shooting headshots on our studio, or on location around Rockville, Bethesda, or Gaithersburg, I’m usually skimming Youtube videos of camera reviews, or headshot and portrait-related content while nursing my favorite brew. I also have a full schedule of guitar students that I teach in the evenings.